Thursday, October 30, 2008

#1 - Walk to work every day for a week.

This month the weather was gorgeous so I did a lot of walking. I'm not sure if I did any full weeks, but the month was definitely full of walking, so I am going to count this as complete. Pictures of my walk home from work one day this month are here:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

#95 - Start recycling with the township.

Turns out that this is pretty much impossible unless I sneak around in the middle of the night and dump my recycling into the bins in front of other people's houses on the street. Which would not be cool. Instead I am collecting my recycling and bringing it to my parents about 2 times a month. I guess I'll mark this as complete/failed. Very sad.

#19 - Get a Dubloon Disaster Trophy on Neopets. (revised)

I've decided that I'm really not a big fan of this trophy anymore and the great amount of effort that would go into getting it is just not worth it. However, I have gotten 3 brand new trophies since the start of this 1001 days, so I will count those toward this goal and consider it complete. The trophies are:

Bronze Illusen's Glade
Bronze Jhudora's Cloud
Bronze Wise Old King

Not bad, not bad at all.

#18 - Obtain the MSPP(TCG) avatar on neopets.

Yesterday, I managed to get this avatar. I was so happy about this little 50x50 square of pixels that it is kinda creepy and weird. But now I am finished with this item.

Upon request, here's what it looks like!