Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Last Days of Haute Cuisine

The Last Days of Haute Cuisine by Patric Kuh has a subtitle of "The Coming of Age of American Restaurants". It is a non-fiction piece about just that. From the story behind the beginning of credit cards to the slow food movement starting long before it was called the slow food movement this book is chock full of small stories that amount to a lot when put together. The history of the US is bound by the restaurant industry in ways that I had never dreamed of. I'm not usually one for non-fiction books, but the vibrant characters in this story are brought to life on the page in a way that does not often happen!

"When one has felt the pull of two continents, such images become dear to one. They are not the rah-rah oath of allegiance stuff that, dear as citizenship is, so oversimplifies the process of belonging."

Life of Pi

Life of Pi by Yann Martel was a fascinating, thought-provoking story of survival. I feel like there isn't much to say that will do justice to this amazing story, especially without ruining the mystical quality that the book has.

The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing

The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank was a birthday gift from a good friend. It was the perfect book for reading on vacation and I devoured it while watching the glaciers go by our cabin's balcony.

The book centers on Jane throughout her life as she tries to figure out life, love, and how to balance the two. It is organized in a collection of short stories - each with a different perspective matching where Jane is in her life.

It was a great read and very enjoyable. I highly recommend it!