Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Valley of the Dolls, by Jacquelin Susann

I occasionally have moments of panic - you might even say terror - when I hallucinate myself into a fantasy world. Not a world of wonderful things, mind you, but a world where those fleeting thoughts you've had over the past year... they all come true, all at once. Those thoughts born out of jealousy, rage, anger, and fear. A world where one minute your on cloud nine, and the next, you've been chewed up, spit out, and kicked to the ground with not even a hope or a dream to live for.

Perhaps this is what drew me the most to the world of "The Valley of the Dolls". A world where the problems of the moment can be drowned out by a little red pill and a gulp of scotch. An amazingly written book, with amazing characters that you fall in love with from the very start. Unfortunately, they love themselves more than you could ever love them. They never would be able to understand that you loved them even when they didn't. A pity, really.

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