Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The end of the FIRST 1,001 days.

Measuring life in increments of 1000 days is quite interesting.  When I look at my list I realize how much my life, my goals, my situation in general has changed over the course of 2+ years.  Right now I'm actually on day 999, but I do not forsee finishing any more items in the next 2 days, so this is my wrap-up post. I've counted 62/101 things complete which is over half!
Here's a review of the items that were not completed and a look at why.

#11 - When proposed to, say "Duh!""Yes!"
This should have been a list of goals for me - not things that rely on the actions of others.

#14 - Take a class at HACC
This is just one of those things that never happened.  However, I think it is a good goal - HACC offers a LOT of unique classes that I would be interested in - the stars just have to align on this one.  This will be added to the new list.

#15 - Build a snowfort with some kids.
First of all, I decided this would have been a little creepy.  Second of all, save the winter of 2010, there was little to no snow!  Sad.  Again, though, a goal that relies on others - I don't think I saw any kids building a fort this year. Sorry, but this one is dead.

#28 - Have a picnic in the park with someone.
I'm sensing a trend - another one that relies on others!  Although, I think this one is a little simpler, and with some modification, can be included in the new list.

#29 - Visit Lindsay in Chicago (by myself or with someone).
1,001 days is pretty short now that I think about it.  I'm still hoping to do this one while she still lives out there! New list candidate!

#32 - Throw a Christmas party.
I'm not sure what I was thinking with this one.  It would be cool, but even between Mike and I, we don't have enough local friends to constitute a "party".  This is out.

#33 - Sit down with Mike and come up with a list of our own
When I suggested this to Mike, he immediately thought it was stupid.  So much for that. :-P  I should have consulted him before I put this on MY list.

#34 - Write and mail a letter to 2 elementary school teachers.
This is something I NEED to do.  Definitely going on the list again.  And maybe at the top!

#35 - Have photos of Mike and I taken
In my mind, this one went along with #11.  Again, don't set goals for yourself that rely on others!

#36 - Take Mike to NYC
A) He doesn't want to go. B) There was no opportunity.  I think I will modify this one for myself: Go to NYC!

#38 - Take Mike on public transportation.
Again, what was I thinking? Who cares?

#41 - Go in one I.M. Pei building that I haven't been in before.
I attempted this one in Cleveland, but had no luck finding parking or the address, for that matter.  I would like to keep this one because it is more of a life-goal to visit as many of his buildings as I can.

#43 - Stay at a bed and breakfast.
Again, another one that is more of a life-goal.  We didn't travel THAT much in the last 999 days.

#44 - Read 100 books. (92/100)
I was really very close on this one.  I am not sure if I should set the goal at 100 books again or lower it to 75, after all a number of them were actually books of the bible.

#46 - Read 10 books recommended by friends, no questions asked. (7/10)
Close again!  But most books I read are recommended by friends, so I don't even think this needs to be here next time.  Just kind of redundant.

#47 - Blog about each book read.(92/100)
This one was kind of redundant, too.

#48 - Learn one song on the piano by heart.
This one is STAYING!  I need to play more often (and not use my keyboard as a shelf) and having this here at least gets me thinking about it.

#59 - Finish at least one cross-stitch piece for myself.
I have a piece (or two?) sitting around done, but they need to be framed.  I think that needs to be the new goal.  Frame stuff! OR at least finish it!

#60 - Complete this crafty meme.
Seriously, this needs to happen.  Seriously.

#64 - Create a DVD of Mike's "Harvey" performance(s).
I made some significant progress on this one, but in the end, fell short due to lack of the proper equipment/software.  I will finish this, though, once I have the appropriate Adobe software!

#65 - Embroider a tablecloth and matching napkins.
I think this one became a little too daunting to even think about.  If I can break it down into smaller goals, it can stay.

#67 - Put my family's home videos on DVD.
This one is right behind #64!  Figuring out the full process first will be helpful.

#68 - Turn at least 1 record into mp3 files.
I'm not even sure if this is worth it, even if my parents have an amazing record collection.

#69 - Give a face lift & new content.
Ugh, this one needs to be re-thought.  I'm hoping to make a new website and decommission pwys.

#70 - Organize my RIT memorbilia (shadow box, etc)
At least it's all in the same place.  I think this is still a worthy goal.

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