Wednesday, October 13, 2010

#90 - Keep a list of special occasions and gifts given for future reference

I started a spreadsheet for gifts given.  I've also got a column called "Given?" so that I can keep track of gifts purchased (or planned for) in advance.  I'll count this item as completed after I've kept up the spreadsheet for a while.

The Bridges of Madison County

The Bridges of Madison County is not really about bridges or Madison County.  It is the story of two people who have a chance encounter that changes their lives.  It is a moving, emotional, romantic story that is told in a kind of matter-of-fact sort of way that made me think it must have been true.  The story is presented as a true one, and that only helps to lend to the validity of the story.  Whether the exact events transpired, the truth of a true love that is passionate, strong, enduring and serious is there.

Definitely a 5 tissue box book.  Highly recommend it.

Till We Have Faces

I really should have written this right after I finished the book when it was fresh in my mind!  I was excited to read something by C.S. Lewis other than the Chronicles of Narnia.  I knew that it wasn't going to be Narnia, however, I didn't realize how different it would be.  Lewis' writing takes on the voice of the main character who is writing down the story of her life.  The ancient and somewhat primitive culture that is created reminded me of bits and pieces of Narnia, but without the magic. 

The magic doesn't exist because the story is being written from the point of view of someone who has always lived in this world and knows nothing else.  The interesting thing is that the "magic" in Till We Have Faces is that of Gods.  The main character struggles with believing in the Gods of her culture, and in the end is forced to come to a resolute decision about their existence. 

About 3/4 of the way through this book I started to lose interest in the story, but I powered through and really enjoyed the ending.  I think the story does start to lag a bit, but the full impact of the final chapters makes up for it.

#48 - Try 24 new recipes and blog about them (7/24)

I've done 2 new recipes that are posted now.

Kraft Mac and Cheese Pie

Kraft's Taco Bake

Both were very yummy and Mike has requested that they be made again!  I guess I'll be keeping an eye out for sales on mac and cheese.

#42 - Obtain at least 1 box of books to sell on

I actually did this a few weeks ago.  I got a box of Wicca and spiritual books that I listed immediately.  This is a category of books that always sells well.  I've already sold 4 or 5 of them!  I am going to mark this as completed.

Monday, October 4, 2010

#79 - Start and maintain a flossing routine (daily)

I found a great resource for printing out a calendar which I now have hanging in the bathroom.  I've been flossing since October 1st!  Okay, so that is just 3 days of flossing so far, but it is going well.  "They" say it takes 30 days of doing something for it to become habit, but that has not worked in the past for me and flossing, so if I have to keep printing out calendars (or maybe figure out how to make one reusable) I will keep doing it!

#75 - Keep my hair maintained (ie, 1/2 trim every 2 months)

This has not been happening so far!  I missed my first hair cut in August, and now I am already a week behind for the 2nd one (which is more like 9 weeks behind for the first one).  I'm hoping to have my first trim in before the end of the month and then I will need to adjust my 2 month reminders.

#68 - Buy a PS3 and Rock Band

Wooo!  We are now rocking out almost every day.  Mike got a PS3 by trading in a prize he won at work and I bought rock band with my amazon gift cards that I got through SwagBucks so the direct cost to us was only about $25 for the shipping of the PS3!  Pretty amazing how that worked out.

#48 - Try 24 new recipes and blog about them (5/24)

I've got 2 new recipes posted on my blog.  There was another recipe that I tried for applesauce cake, but it was very strange and I won't be making it again, so it doesn't get posted.

Mexican Lentils

Baked Egg Puffs

#43 - Purge unused kitchen utensils and find alternate storage for ones that are used infrequently

I did this over the weekend in a frenzy of wanting to feel a little more organized and a little less full of "stuff".  I still want Mike to go through the extra utensils to make sure he doesn't use any of them frequently (but I don't think he does).  They are all being freecycled (with the exception of 1 whisk that is going into a kitchen box) along with a bunch of empty spice containers that I have no use for.

#40 - Develop a low-maintenance, passive-income side-hustle

Well, my Bukisa account finally paid off - with my first payment!  $10.44 in my paypal account as of this weekend.  This is really just the beginning, but I am making approximately $0.25 - $0.30 a day from my articles on the site.  Not going to sustain my life anytime soon, but it really cool to watch the money accumulate!  I have some ideas for new articles brewing that I have to take action on.

My forays on continue to amaze me.  The books I figure will never sell in a million years are the first ones out the door.  The month of October always brings an up tick in sales for some reason, and I have listed some new books in the past month.  This year so far I have a profit of about $175.  It is still just a hobby, but it is nice to see some reward for my efforts.

Surveys and Mystery Shopping are still fun, but not really considered passive since they do take up a chunk of my time.  Still, I've made about $25 mystery shopping (plus a few free meals) and surveys have kept me from going into debt to :-)