Sunday, March 16, 2008

#77 - Do my own taxes

Well, my 2007 Federal & State taxes are submitted! I have to do local & send in what I owe for my PA taxes, but other than those 2 easy things, I'm finished. I'm going to mark this as completed because I'll be done with it by the end of the night. I was kind of nervous about doing this myself, but I think it worked out really well and was much easier than I thought!

Major props to State Farm for letting me file Federal & State online with Turbo Tax for free.

---- EDIT: It's 3/31/2008 - I've gotten my refund, my State taxes check has been cashed, and I sent my Local taxes (I was even). Sweet.


yourillusion said...

This is a good one! It really was pretty easy? I wish I knew how to do taxes. :-\ I need to ask my G'father. Of course it will be easier when my taxes don't span three states.

Anonymous said...

Yup, pretty easy. Of course, this is the first year I've done it myself & not paid someone to do it because this is also the first year that it wasn't complicated (multiple states and such)! Of course, the year that I worked in 3 states, the accountant messed it up, too....

Anyway, it did not take as long as I thought it would and I've just got to do local now which will be a breeze.