Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The end of the FIRST 1,001 days, part 2

Here's the final list as it stands on the last days:


  1. Walk to work every day for a week. (10/2008)
  2. Make my lunch the night before work every day for a week. (completed: 11/08/2007)
  3. Get a file cabinet and move my files from my parent's house. (completed 10/2009)
  4. Move all my clothing from my parent's house to my apartment. (completed 5/2010)
  5. Hang posters in the office/guest room.
  6. Figure out where to put all my plants and make sure they all have pots. (completed: 9/2007)
  7. Write a letter to myself to read 10 years from now. (ongoing)
  8. Tryout for a musical or a play.(completed: 5/12/08)
  9. Organize my stuff and KEEP IT THAT WAY. (Completed: 11/13/2007)
  10. Play the lottery. (Completed: 10/06/2007)
  11. When proposed to, say "Duh!""Yes!"
  12. Get some bubbles and blow them in a public place(Completed: 4/25/2008)
  13. Cover my outside door with wrapping paper at Christmas time(Completed: 12/11/07)
  14. Take a class at HACC
  15. Build a snowfort with some kids.
  16. Figure out where to keep the Roomba and set up a schedule (N/A - Sold Roomba)
  17. Find all my rechargable batteries and replace the ones that keep dying (completed 10/2009)
  18. Neopets

  19. Obtain the MSPP(TCG) avatar on neopets. (Completed: 10/6/2008)
  20. Get a Dubloon Disaster Trophy on Neopets. (Completed: 10/2008)
  21. Family/Friends

  22. Develop an address spreadsheet for all family and good friends and keep updated. (Completed: 12/22/2009)
  23. Write a "Christmas Letter" and send copies with my Christmas cards. (Completed: 12/21/2009)
  24. Have my brother over for a sleep over.(completed: 11/18/2007)
  25. Take my brother to the laserdome. (completed: 4/12/2008)
  26. Visit Aunt Karin once a month.
  27. Visit Cindi in VA.(completed: 3/2/2008)
  28. Go to another Lo Cash Cowboys show. (completed: 11/16/2007)
  29. Visit Heather in MD at least one more time before she moves(?).(completed: 10/13/2007)
  30. Have a picnic in the park with someone.
  31. Visit Lindsay in Chicago (by myself or with someone).
  32. Send all college-going relatives a "care package" (including Cathy).(completed: 10/2008)
  33. Have my family over for dinner. (completed: 5/11/2008)
  34. Throw a Christmas party.
  35. Sit down with Mike and come up with a list of our own
  36. Write and mail a letter to 2 elementary school teachers.
  37. Have photos of Mike and I taken
  38. Travel

  39. Take Mike to NYC
  40. Get passports for myself. (completed: 4/2009)
  41. Take Mike on public transportation.
  42. Test-drive a car I would never buy. (Completed 10/2009)
  43. Visit at least one state I’ve never been to. (Completed: 8/2009)
  44. Go in one I.M. Pei building that I haven't been in before.
  45. Ride in a limo.(Completed: 8/6/2009)
  46. Stay at a bed and breakfast.
  47. Entertainment

  48. Read 100 books. (92/100)
  49. Read at least 50 books I've never read before.(89/50) (completed 3/29/2010)
  50. Read 10 books recommended by friends, no questions asked. (7/10)
  51. Blog about each book read.(92/100)
  52. Learn one song on the piano by heart.
  53. Write a poem every week for a year (Failed)
  54. Go to the drive-in theatre.(Completed 6/29/2008)
  55. Do Karaoke. (Completed 8/2009)
  56. Complete a 1000+ piece puzzle(completed: 7/21/2008)
  57. Go bowling (completed: 10/07/2007)
  58. Go miniature golfing (completed: 8/6/2008)
  59. Take Mike to Indian Echo Caverns. (completed: 8/9/2008)
  60. Go to see a stand-up comedian live. (Completed: 8/2009)
  61. Watch all of the DVDs I own at least once, including watching all special features.
  62. See a show at the Hershey Theatre (Completed: 2/14/2009)
  63. Project Related

  64. Finish at least one cross-stitch piece for myself.
  65. Complete this crafty meme.
  66. Frame and hang my Jim Craig poster (Completed 9/29/07)
  67. Complete my bookshelf finishing project. (Completed: 5/2009)
  68. Post a video of myself singing on YouTube.(Completed 12/13/07)
  69. Create a DVD of Mike's "Harvey" performance(s).
  70. Embroider a tablecloth and matching napkins.
  71. Organize the cables for my entertainment unit. (Completed: 11/11/2007)
  72. Put my family's home videos on DVD.
  73. Turn at least 1 record into mp3 files.
  74. Give a face lift & new content.
  75. Organize my RIT memorbilia (shadow box, etc)
  76. Learn to drive a stick shift.
  77. Food

  78. Try 12 new recipes (and actually use the recipe). (12/12)(Completed 11/2008)
  79. Try 5 new non-chain restaurants. (5/5)(Completed 7/7/2008)
  80. Use my fondue pot(Completed 12/31/2007)
  81. Bake a cake in my cross pan.(Completed 2/2/2009)
  82. Finance

  83. Change the beneficiary on my 401k plan. (Completed: 3/20/2008)
  84. Do my own taxes.(Completed 3/16/2008)
  85. Create a will.
  86. Start a 529 account or other education investment account. (Completed 11/2009)
  87. Invest in at least one stock.
  88. Obtain a GOOD cash-back credit card and make it work for me. (Canceled)
  89. Material World

  90. Set up my futon/daybed.(Completed 6/24/2009)
  91. Find a new pair of sneakers. (Completed: 9/16/07)
  92. Find a pair of shoes for work that I can walk distances in.
  93. Take at least one item of clothing to the consignment shop.
  94. Buy a new or used vehicle. (completed: 8/1/2008)
  95. Learn how to parallel park it.
  96. Buy a LCD HD TV. (3/2009)
  97. Find pants that really fit me and are comfortable. (Completed 12/2007)
  98. Buy a nice pair of binoculars/opera glasses (Completed 5/2009)
  99. Go to Saturday's Market. (Completed 11/28/2009)
  100. Sell Mike's VHS/DVDs for him (completed: 4/18/2009)
  101. Obtain copies (1st edition, if possible) of the Harry Potter books I don't have. (2/4)
  102. Book a night at the Inn of the Dove.
  103. Community

  104. Start recycling with the township. Failed.
  105. Donate Blood at least once over the 1001 days.
  106. Anonymously donate $1000 to my church for organ repair. Failed.
  107. Pick up trash on my way to work. Failed.
  108. On every grocery trip, buy 1 thing to donate to a good cause (Not my stomach).
  109. Do 2 walks for good causes. (Replaced. Completed 4/2009)
  110. Finish

  111. On Day 1001, publish a new 101 Things in 1001 Days list that includes anything I haven't finished already.

1 comment:

fondue said...

I hope by now, you did finally gave your fondue pot a try. And of course I hope you like it, although I'm quite positive that you did, lol! My friends fell in love with fondue when I first prepared one for them. They seem apprehensive at first, I guess because it's all new to them. But 10 minutes into it and they're all laughing and having fun already. Mind you that was a broth fondue, imagine what happen next when I brought out the chocolate dessert fondue. :)