Tuesday, December 7, 2010

#33- Invest $5k into my Roth IRA ever year until I turn 30. (1/4)

Moved $5k over last week for my 2010 contribution.  3 more years and 3 more transfers to go!

#55 - Go to 5 new-to-me non-chain restaurants (2/5)

This weekend, Mike and I went to the new Chinese buffet restaurant that is in the Colonial Commons shopping plaza.  It combines Chinese buffet with hibachi with sushi and comes out a winner (okay, so I didn't have any sushi).  I didn't catch the actual name of the place (it is something convoluted), but the food was delicious. 

We had some of everything but went back for seconds on the cheese wontons (as usual), egg rolls, and lo mein. They have hand-dipped ice cream for dessert which was very good as well (we stayed away from the other strange desserts that were next to the oysters).  Lots of options for kids or those who want a more diverse dinning experience: pizza, fries (including sweet potato), a carving station, and more.

The dining area was nice and drink service was prompt and accurate (Mike's Coke-with-no-ice often trips people up, but his order was correct and refilled correctly as well).  The seating areas are divided up to create less of a cafeteria atmosphere and it is executed well while still making it easy to get to the main buffet area.  They have a koi pond/fountain in the lobby that is very beautiful. 

The prices were normal for dinner ($10/person-ish) and lunch is about $6/person I believe.  They also have take-out which is priced out by the pound. 

This might be my new favorite buffet in the area (my old favorite is actually across the street, equally great food, but much more cramped and slightly run down).

#52 - Menu plan every week for an entire month (0/4)

I've been menu planning regularly over at my cooking blog with a record streak of 6 weeks in a row.  I hope to break that streak!  This is completed, though.

#60 - Update & keep updated our DVD tracker spreadsheet up-to-date

Mike actually suggested that we work on this one.  He typed and I read off the names of the DVDs on our shelf and then he went back through and added info from IMDB.  We now have separate sheets for DVDs and BluRays as well.  So, the first part of this is completed.  The keeping it updated part will probably take some getting used to, but we both have access to the google spreadsheet, so hopefully it won't be that difficult to remember.

#63 - Read 5,000 pages in one year

As of completing reading the Harry Potter series, I've read 8,457 pages this year.  WOW.  Actually, the HP series alone is almost 5,000 pages (4,136 for the hard cover, American first editions).

I'm marking this one complete!

The Harry Potter Series

Well, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 came out in the theaters a few weeks ago and we went to see it opening weekend.  As is my tradition, I re-read all the books before seeing the movie.  And I did it in less than 2 weeks.  And then I got a migraine.  Oops. 

Every time I re-read this series, I discover new foreshadowing (intentional or not) and a new love for the characters.  I love seeing how the characters grow into their rolls.  I love the way the stories are told.  I still have to make a conscious effort to read every single word instead of skimming through the parts I know like the back of my hand.

I haven't decided if I'm going to re-read the entire series again in 6 months when Part 2 arrives in theaters or if I'll just re-read the 7th book.  Seems like I should give myself more than 2 weeks to read them all if I decide to do that.

#72 - Take a trip to NYC

This is in the works!  We are going to go to the City with my family the week after Christmas.  The plan is to see Times Square, Rockerfeller Center (the tree should still be up!) and more as well as see the Radio City Spectacular Christmas show.  I am so excited!

#79 - Start and maintain a flossing routine (daily)

I have been flossing daily for over 2 months now!  I missed only 1 day because I was feeling very sick (I had a migraine for 2 weeks) and just could not stay awake for another 2 minutes to floss.  I am only finding a speck of blood on occasion (mostly because of digging out popcorn hulls, lovely, right?) and it doesn't hurt at all anymore.  I will check this off entirely after another few months of solid flossing.

#82 - Get a work-appropriate cardigan/sweater

I got a new red cardigan at Ross in November.  It was a struggle.  The store was super crowded and the line was halfway to the back of the store.  After waiting in line for 15 minutes, I realized the sweater I picked had a hole in it.  Got out of line, back to the sweaters.  Found one that was the next size up (probably a good thing, it's a little more cozy) with no holes.  Went back to the line and waited for THIRTY MINUTES to check out.  Yikes.  No more shopping on Saturdays for me. 

I mostly like the cardigan.  For some reason, it has a hood (which is dumb), but it is a pretty red/rust color and even has a pocket. Yay.  Now I have 3 cardigans to wear to work so I don't feel like I am wearing the same thing every day.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

#90 - Keep a list of special occasions and gifts given for future reference

I started a spreadsheet for gifts given.  I've also got a column called "Given?" so that I can keep track of gifts purchased (or planned for) in advance.  I'll count this item as completed after I've kept up the spreadsheet for a while.

The Bridges of Madison County

The Bridges of Madison County is not really about bridges or Madison County.  It is the story of two people who have a chance encounter that changes their lives.  It is a moving, emotional, romantic story that is told in a kind of matter-of-fact sort of way that made me think it must have been true.  The story is presented as a true one, and that only helps to lend to the validity of the story.  Whether the exact events transpired, the truth of a true love that is passionate, strong, enduring and serious is there.

Definitely a 5 tissue box book.  Highly recommend it.

Till We Have Faces

I really should have written this right after I finished the book when it was fresh in my mind!  I was excited to read something by C.S. Lewis other than the Chronicles of Narnia.  I knew that it wasn't going to be Narnia, however, I didn't realize how different it would be.  Lewis' writing takes on the voice of the main character who is writing down the story of her life.  The ancient and somewhat primitive culture that is created reminded me of bits and pieces of Narnia, but without the magic. 

The magic doesn't exist because the story is being written from the point of view of someone who has always lived in this world and knows nothing else.  The interesting thing is that the "magic" in Till We Have Faces is that of Gods.  The main character struggles with believing in the Gods of her culture, and in the end is forced to come to a resolute decision about their existence. 

About 3/4 of the way through this book I started to lose interest in the story, but I powered through and really enjoyed the ending.  I think the story does start to lag a bit, but the full impact of the final chapters makes up for it.

#48 - Try 24 new recipes and blog about them (7/24)

I've done 2 new recipes that are posted now.

Kraft Mac and Cheese Pie

Kraft's Taco Bake

Both were very yummy and Mike has requested that they be made again!  I guess I'll be keeping an eye out for sales on mac and cheese.

#42 - Obtain at least 1 box of books to sell on half.com

I actually did this a few weeks ago.  I got a box of Wicca and spiritual books that I listed immediately.  This is a category of books that always sells well.  I've already sold 4 or 5 of them!  I am going to mark this as completed.

Monday, October 4, 2010

#79 - Start and maintain a flossing routine (daily)

I found a great resource for printing out a calendar which I now have hanging in the bathroom.  I've been flossing since October 1st!  Okay, so that is just 3 days of flossing so far, but it is going well.  "They" say it takes 30 days of doing something for it to become habit, but that has not worked in the past for me and flossing, so if I have to keep printing out calendars (or maybe figure out how to make one reusable) I will keep doing it!

#75 - Keep my hair maintained (ie, 1/2 trim every 2 months)

This has not been happening so far!  I missed my first hair cut in August, and now I am already a week behind for the 2nd one (which is more like 9 weeks behind for the first one).  I'm hoping to have my first trim in before the end of the month and then I will need to adjust my 2 month reminders.

#68 - Buy a PS3 and Rock Band

Wooo!  We are now rocking out almost every day.  Mike got a PS3 by trading in a prize he won at work and I bought rock band with my amazon gift cards that I got through SwagBucks so the direct cost to us was only about $25 for the shipping of the PS3!  Pretty amazing how that worked out.

#48 - Try 24 new recipes and blog about them (5/24)

I've got 2 new recipes posted on my blog.  There was another recipe that I tried for applesauce cake, but it was very strange and I won't be making it again, so it doesn't get posted.

Mexican Lentils

Baked Egg Puffs

#43 - Purge unused kitchen utensils and find alternate storage for ones that are used infrequently

I did this over the weekend in a frenzy of wanting to feel a little more organized and a little less full of "stuff".  I still want Mike to go through the extra utensils to make sure he doesn't use any of them frequently (but I don't think he does).  They are all being freecycled (with the exception of 1 whisk that is going into a kitchen box) along with a bunch of empty spice containers that I have no use for.

#40 - Develop a low-maintenance, passive-income side-hustle

Well, my Bukisa account finally paid off - with my first payment!  $10.44 in my paypal account as of this weekend.  This is really just the beginning, but I am making approximately $0.25 - $0.30 a day from my articles on the site.  Not going to sustain my life anytime soon, but it really cool to watch the money accumulate!  I have some ideas for new articles brewing that I have to take action on.

My forays on Half.com continue to amaze me.  The books I figure will never sell in a million years are the first ones out the door.  The month of October always brings an up tick in sales for some reason, and I have listed some new books in the past month.  This year so far I have a profit of about $175.  It is still just a hobby, but it is nice to see some reward for my efforts.

Surveys and Mystery Shopping are still fun, but not really considered passive since they do take up a chunk of my time.  Still, I've made about $25 mystery shopping (plus a few free meals) and surveys have kept me from going into debt to amazon.com. :-)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

#14 - Participate in the Hershey Library Summer Reading Program 3 times (1/3)

I participated in the Hershey Public Library's Adult Summer Reading program this past summer.  I didn't win any prizes this year, but I read a lot of books!  The reviews have been posted here, but here's a quick list of the books that I read between June 1 and August 31:

Watership Down
The Lovely Bones
House Calls
Angela's Ashes
If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor
The Lost Symbol
Johnny Tremain
The Secret Life of Bees
If Only That Horse Were A Member Of My Church
The Shack

#66 - Do a complete organization on my gmail account (6500+ emails!)

I thought I'd post a status update on this one:  I started out with over 6,500 e-mails in my INBOX and now I am down to 1,932!  I am impressed with myself.  After I get my inbox down to 100 emails or less, I will start going through each label to make sure everything is properly, um, labeled. 

Also, I have gotten into the very good habit of labeling e-mails when they come in.  They don't necessarily get archived right away, but once they are labeled they are that much easier to find!

#64 - Put together a scrapbook/photo album for the Alaska 2009 trip

I ordered some prints a while back when snapfish was having a sale, but this week I ordered another 25 because SeeHere.com was having a sale.  When the SeeHere photos arrive, I'll have all the printed photos I need to start making a full-on scrapbook.  However, I will still need..... a scrapbook!  And some other materials.  I'm not sure how I want to present the whole thing yet, but at least the pictures are printed!

#55 - # Go to 5 new-to-me non-chain restaurants (1/5)

Mike and I went to Rancho Grande in Mechanicsburg about two weeks ago.  The place was very rundown looking from outside, but a little nicer inside.  Probably could use a paint job.

Aside from that, the staff was super friendly and attentive.  We both ordered specials (the Rancho Dinner and the Grande Dinner! haha) and were very full by the end of the meal.  I couldn't finish mine at all.  Everything was very good.  The red sauce on the burritos was a little sweeter than I usually like, but still yummy.  The chile relleno was DELICIOUS and I would love to know how they make it.  Even Mike liked it - which means it wasn't toooo spicy. 

However, as it is about a 20 minute drive to get there, and on the way you pass about 3 other mexican restaurants, I don't think we'll go there again unless we are already in the area.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sex and the City

Sex and the City was a fun read, but having seen the show and the first movie definitely colored my reading experience.  The characters of the show were derived from this book (and before that, the New York Observer columns), however are drastically different in some cases.  That element really kept pulling me out of the stories when I would be picturing the actor that portrayed a certain character and then they would be described very differently or doing something that would be "out of character" for the TV version of the story.

That being said, I do think that the TV series and this collection of essays have a continuity of tone and subject matter.  It was fun to see a much darker Carrie Bradshaw (drugs being more of the scene than shown in the show), but it also just made me want to watch the show more.  I don't want to say that the TV show has wrecked this book, but it certainly evolved from the book and brought everything to a different level.

The Shack

I have been trying to figure out what to write about The Shack since I finished reading it over 2 weeks ago. 

I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it - and really, you should.
But, I also feel like I have so many thoughts about the book buzzing around in my head that I'm not sure where to begin or what to say at all.

The Shack starts out as a mystery novel... and then it takes a turn into... something else.  A something else that is totally worth the ride.  Not to the religious, but to the spiritual.  While there are definitely some Christian overtones, I think there is something different to take away from this book for everyone who reads it. 

I am definitely adding this one to my permanent collection and I will come back to it again.  Highly recommended, 4/5 stars.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

#48 - Try 24 new recipes and blog about them (3/24)

I guess I forgot this was an item because I have now 3 new recipe posts since I started the 1001 days again.

Whole Wheat Cornbread Muffins
These were very good!  I guess I have to stop saying that I don't like cornbread. I am going to make these again soon (Mike likes to have them when I make chili) but I think I will make them with mini hot dogs inside next time.  I read about that somewhere.  Sounds yummy.

Sausage & Cheddar Pinwheels
I made these to take to a church function, but I should have waited and baked them the morning of instead of the night before.  They were a little dry after we heated them up again.  And in the time it took to heat them, we could have just baked them!  But they were still gobbled up with none leftover, so they must have been pretty good!

Banana Pancakes
Sometimes a recipe just grabs you and says MAKE ME I'M DELICIOUS!  That is what happened with these.  They really were delicious and they will definitely be made again - perhaps with chocolate chips next time....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

If Only That Horse Were A Member Of My Church

If Only That Horse Were a Member of My Church is a book of short stories, jokes, inspirations, and quotes compiled by Charles W. Byrd.  I really enjoyed having this book to pick up when I just had a little bit of time to read each day.  Each story has it's own qualities to bring to the table (touching, hilarious, ironic, blessed, thought-provoking, etc) and they are arranged in a way so that each story is not overwhelmed by the ones around it.  This book only comes in at around 100 pages, but it certainly left me with a lot to think about! 

I also realize about half way through reading my copy that it is signed by the author!  This is my third autographed book find.  Neat-o!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

#39 - Track Survey, etc revenue

I have been tracking survey revenue as well as my mystery-shops in a google spreadsheet for 2 full months now.  I think I am on track to continue with this practice!

#18 - Use the Briarcrest Pool

I did it!  I went to the pool on Saturday around 7pm.  It was lovely to just lay in the water, but I got bored quickly.  I did some laps (which was awkward due to the weird shape of the pool) and floated on my back.  There was one family there (dad and 2 kids in the pool with the mom watching) but they were in the low end, so we weren't really near each other.  It was relaxing.  I'm hoping to go at least once more before they close the pool in a week or so.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

#34 - Research Auto Insurance and possibly combine plans

Well, well, well.  This one falls under the category of "easier said than done."  It would save us money to combine our auto insurance and be insured under one plan.  However, for Mike and I to be on the same plan, we would have to be married or we would have to change the titles on our cars (a possibility of marriage is really that far down the line, I suppose).  From my research, it sounds like esurance would have allowed us to have us both on the same plan, but they were not cheaper than if we just keep our current plans.  So, this item is finished.  The research took me about 3 days, which were not entirely wasted as I did learn a lot more about the process that is involved for having 2 people on the same plan (even if it did not work out).

The Secret Life of Bees

I had meant to read The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd BEFORE seeing the movie, but it did not happen that way.  I think I saw the movie on TV or netflix over a year or more ago.  Reading the book helped me to have an even greater appreciation for the film.  The film captured the feeling and atmosphere of the book very well.  I do not specifically remember if the film was true to the book in details, but it was definitely true to the book in heart. 

I also really liked the way that the book tied in facts about bees with every chapter.  The bees of the story were another character that reacted to the events going on in the lives of the Boatwrights, Lily, Rosaleen and the whole of South Carolina as momentous changes are going on in the US as a result of the Civil Rights Act.  I guess that kind of makes this a semi-historical piece with the way the characters are affected by the goings on in the country.  I highly enjoyed this book, but I do wish that I had not watched the movie first as I would have liked to generate my own images of the characters instead of remembering the actors from the movie.

Johnny Tremain

I remember Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes being talked about in school, but I know that I never read it.  Sometimes our teacher would have us pick one of three books and then we would study that book in groups.  I think Johnny Tremain was one of the books that I didn't not have a chance to choose.  It was only rather recently in my reading career that I became interested in historical fiction, though.

The story of Johnny Tremain is definitely one of historical fiction.  Forbes makes Boston of the late 1700's come alive on the page.  This book definitely made me check the dictionary a few times as it tends towards language of the day. I also ended up doing some research about the Revolutionary War to help me remember why the historical characters were so important.  It was great to have Johnny brushing elbows with Paul Revere himself!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Lost Symbol

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown is 509 pages long and I read it in 4 days flat.  Just like Angles and Demons and The Da Vinci Code, The Lost Symbol is definitely a page-turner.  The book focuses on the US this time (Washington, D.C.) which I found to be an intriguing element as his other Robert Langdon books have been set in Europe.  Because the book focuses on the emerging field of Noetic sciences as well as Freemasonery - two things I know nothing about - I found myself sitting in front of the computer poised to do a little research every once in a while as I read.  However, I really don't think it is necessary to do so.  The information provided in the book is plenty to go on as you follow the story - just try not to rip the pages as you turn them quickly!

If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor

Mike got If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor by Bruce Campbell for Christmas a while back from his sister.  He insisted that it was  "coffee table book" and that he would just look through at the pictures, but he wasn't planning on reading it.  It has been floating around in the living room ever since.

Let me tell you right now: READ THIS BOOK!  Bruce Campbell is definitely a B Movie actor (Army of Darkness and Evil Dead II certainly fall into the B Movie category), but he does an excellent job pulling you into the world of movie making where profits are not the first order of business.  With in depth descriptions of how to raise funds (and how not to raise funds) as well as descriptions of rigged devices they used to "get the shot" this book kept my attention.  He has a great way of telling a specific story about a person that makes you realize that he pays attention to everyone - not just his friends in the business. 

I'd love to see Bruce write another book now that he has more TV work under his belt with Burn Notice!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

'Tis by Frank McCourt

I ended up borrowing 'Tis from my aunt, so I was able to go from reading Angela's Ashes straight into 'Tis.  The two books flowed extremely well into each other, but 'Tis also does well as a stand-alone book.  McCourt provides background information flawlessly without boring someone who has read Angela's Ashes. As with Angela's Ashes, the narrative of this book is smattered with dialects, euphemisms, the English of the day as well as the incorrect English of the day.  This approach really draws you in and immerses you in the world that Frank McCourt was faced with during his life.  The dialects come and go as does the slang used by his students indicating the passing of time.  In contrast with Angela's Ashes, most of this book takes place in New York City.  The City becomes a character in the story as it tends to when any story is set there.  The City influences people unlike any other and McCourt does a good job of allowing this to show through without pointing it out.  As I read 'Tis, I found myself drawn to find out more about the passing references to Stuyvesant High School, the schedule of the Staten Island Ferry and other "characters" of the story - thankfully I had Wikipedia to rescue me! 

Another 5/5 stars!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt

I really enjoyed Angela's Ashes - McCourt's writing style is easy to follow and really leads you into the streets of Limerick.  He skips through time and focuses on the stories that changed him and molded him and affected him the most.  It is interesting to see the most innocent (or not) small moments that end up meaning the world to little Frankie.  I also enjoyed the way that McCourt set the stage by referencing WWII events indirectly and letting the reader draw their own conclusions.  WWII is certainly not the main focus of the book, but it is something that affected everyone in the world and you can feel through the writing how it affected Frank and his family.  Definitely a well written piece that is also interesting and holds your attention.  Not very many critically acclaimed "instant classics" are also on the New York Times Best Seller list as long as this one was.  It definitely says something for the book.

5/5 stars - a must read. 

#57 - Reformat Laptop before 8/2010

Done!  I did this yesterday and it was way easier than I had hoped.  I'm not sure if it's running faster or not because I didn't get a chance to do anything but install the bare minimum, but I have to figure it would be an improvement.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Beginning again, the NEW 101 things!

It took me over a week to come up with a new list.  I think the amount spent this time (as opposed to the day and a half last time) will result in a set of goals that will be relevant, attainable, and interesting for the length of the journey.  For posterity, here's the full list:

    Rollover Items

  1. Take a class at HACC
  2. Eat a meal outside - either in the courtyard or somewhere at Briarcrest
  3. Visit Lindsay in Chicago (by myself or with someone).
  4. Write and mail a letter to 2 elementary school teachers.
  5. Go in one I.M. Pei building that I haven't been in before.
  6. Learn one song on the piano by heart.
  7. Frame and/or "finish" at least 3 cross stitch pieces (Pineapple, Christmas, and one other)
  8. Complete this crafty meme.
  9. Create a DVD of Mike's "Harvey" performance(s).
  10. Put my family's home videos on DVD.
  11. Create a new website that is relevant to my life
  12. Organize my RIT memorabilia (shadow box, etc)
  13. Obtain 1st edition copies of the Harry Potter books I don't have.
  14. Home and Hershey

  15. Participate in the Hershey Library Summer Reading Program 3 times (0/3)
  16. Go to The Hershey Story
  17. Go to Wamsutta Outlet in Lancaster
  18. Go to the drive-in theatre
  19. Use the Briarcrest Pool
  20. Go for a walk around Briarcrest
  21. Play Frisbee with Mike in the grassy area behind our townhouse
  22. Weed the courtyard
  23. Plant ground cover in the courtyard
  24. Re-pot my pearl plant and get it a trellis
  25. Utilize the storage space in the couch
  26. Re-arrange living room furniture to better accommodate new computer
  27. Frame at least one of Mike's posters
  28. Frame as much of my poster collection as possible
  29. Hang Billy Joel albums
  30. Acquire plate hangers and hang plates in kitchen
  31. Take care of my mending pile (with Mom's help)
  32. Take our dress shoes to my parents to be polished
  33. Create a new "Day in the Life" photo journey
  34. Money and Finance

  35. Invest $5k into my Roth IRA ever year until I turn 30.(0/4)
  36. Research Auto Insurance and possibly combine plans
  37. Research life insurance
  38. Make a spreadsheet with 2 months worth of receipts to create a loose budget
  39. Change over to a zero-balance budgeting mentality
  40. Create a central location for all important financial information
  41. Track Survey, etc revenue
  42. Develop a low-maintenance, passive-income side-hustle
  43. Finish consolidating half.com books
  44. Obtain at least 1 box of books to sell on half.com
  45. Kitchen and Food

  46. Purge unused kitchen utensils and find alternate storage for ones that are used infrequently
  47. Research and acquire a combination blender/food processor
  48. Research and acquire a working immersion blender
  49. Research and acquire a quality kitchen scale
  50. Research and acquire a quality digital kitchen thermometer
  51. Try 24 new recipes and blog about them (0/24)
  52. Bake 1 loaf of bread a week for one month (0/4)
  53. Buy The Bread Baker's Apprentice
  54. ... and make at least 10 breads from it (0/10)
  55. Menu plan every week for an entire month (0/4)
  56. Take pictures of everything I eat for a week
  57. Can a large batch of something other than jam or apple sauce/butter
  58. Go to 5 new-to-me non-chain restaurants (0/5)
  59. Do pick-your-own fruit
  60. Entertainment, Media, and Electronics

  61. Reformat Laptop before 8/2010
  62. Quit Farmville
  63. Get a Castle Age army of 200 people
  64. Update & keep updated our DVD tracker spreadsheet up-to-date
  65. Continue progress on Pop-pop's journals and research publishing options
  66. Read 100 Books and blog about them (0/100)
  67. Read 5,000 pages in one year
  68. Put together a scrapbook/photo album for the Alaska 2009 trip
  69. Put together a scrapbook/photo album for the Hawai'i 2005 trip
  70. Do a complete organization on my gmail account (6500+ emails!)
  71. Do a complete organization of my delicious account(153 tags, 600+ websites)
  72. Buy a PS3 and Rock Band
  73. Get a wireless or easy-to-set-up surround sound system
  74. Organize my penny collection and get new books if necessary
  75. Travel

  76. Visit Heather in Boston
  77. Take a trip to NYC
  78. Use a week of my TAN plan
  79. Take a day trip to DC to do museums and monuments with Mike
  80. Personal and Self-Improvement

  81. Keep my hair maintained (ie, 1/2 trim every 2 months)
  82. Donate my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths
  83. Donate blood at least once, if not more
  84. Find out about plasma donation and donate if possible
  85. Start and maintain a flossing routine (daily)
  86. Start and maintain a skin oil-therapy routine (every-other month)
  87. Carry and use a handkerchief for an entire month
  88. Get a work-appropriate cardigan/sweater
  89. Get a work-wardrobe of at least 14 tops
  90. Get a new pair of work-wardrobe pants
  91. Update Resume to reflect all projects so far at work
  92. Do at least 1 tutorial for each Adobe software title except Photoshop and Video tools
  93. Do at least 5 tutorials for Photoshop and Adobe Video tools
  94. Communications

  95. Write and send "snail mail" thank you notes for every gift I receive
  96. Write and send one "snail mail" letter every month
  97. Keep a list of special occasions and gifts given for future reference
  98. Figure out the best layout for our family/friends contact spreadsheet and figure out mail-merging
  99. Couponing and Misc

  100. Teach 1 person how to coupon with blogs
  101. Post 5 weeks of Karns Deals to my frugal cooking blog
  102. Purge expired coupons from inserts every 3 months
  103. Come up with 5 more medium-large things that I want to accomplish and add them to the list.
  104. Thing #1 -
  105. Thing #2 -
  106. Thing #3 -
  107. Thing #4 -
  108. Thing #5 -
  109. On Day 1001, review the previous 1,001 days and publish a new 101 Things in 1001 Days list.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The end of the FIRST 1,001 days, part 2

Here's the final list as it stands on the last days:


  1. Walk to work every day for a week. (10/2008)
  2. Make my lunch the night before work every day for a week. (completed: 11/08/2007)
  3. Get a file cabinet and move my files from my parent's house. (completed 10/2009)
  4. Move all my clothing from my parent's house to my apartment. (completed 5/2010)
  5. Hang posters in the office/guest room.
  6. Figure out where to put all my plants and make sure they all have pots. (completed: 9/2007)
  7. Write a letter to myself to read 10 years from now. (ongoing)
  8. Tryout for a musical or a play.(completed: 5/12/08)
  9. Organize my half.com stuff and KEEP IT THAT WAY. (Completed: 11/13/2007)
  10. Play the lottery. (Completed: 10/06/2007)
  11. When proposed to, say "Duh!""Yes!"
  12. Get some bubbles and blow them in a public place(Completed: 4/25/2008)
  13. Cover my outside door with wrapping paper at Christmas time(Completed: 12/11/07)
  14. Take a class at HACC
  15. Build a snowfort with some kids.
  16. Figure out where to keep the Roomba and set up a schedule (N/A - Sold Roomba)
  17. Find all my rechargable batteries and replace the ones that keep dying (completed 10/2009)
  18. Neopets

  19. Obtain the MSPP(TCG) avatar on neopets. (Completed: 10/6/2008)
  20. Get a Dubloon Disaster Trophy on Neopets. (Completed: 10/2008)
  21. Family/Friends

  22. Develop an address spreadsheet for all family and good friends and keep updated. (Completed: 12/22/2009)
  23. Write a "Christmas Letter" and send copies with my Christmas cards. (Completed: 12/21/2009)
  24. Have my brother over for a sleep over.(completed: 11/18/2007)
  25. Take my brother to the laserdome. (completed: 4/12/2008)
  26. Visit Aunt Karin once a month.
  27. Visit Cindi in VA.(completed: 3/2/2008)
  28. Go to another Lo Cash Cowboys show. (completed: 11/16/2007)
  29. Visit Heather in MD at least one more time before she moves(?).(completed: 10/13/2007)
  30. Have a picnic in the park with someone.
  31. Visit Lindsay in Chicago (by myself or with someone).
  32. Send all college-going relatives a "care package" (including Cathy).(completed: 10/2008)
  33. Have my family over for dinner. (completed: 5/11/2008)
  34. Throw a Christmas party.
  35. Sit down with Mike and come up with a list of our own
  36. Write and mail a letter to 2 elementary school teachers.
  37. Have photos of Mike and I taken
  38. Travel

  39. Take Mike to NYC
  40. Get passports for myself. (completed: 4/2009)
  41. Take Mike on public transportation.
  42. Test-drive a car I would never buy. (Completed 10/2009)
  43. Visit at least one state I’ve never been to. (Completed: 8/2009)
  44. Go in one I.M. Pei building that I haven't been in before.
  45. Ride in a limo.(Completed: 8/6/2009)
  46. Stay at a bed and breakfast.
  47. Entertainment

  48. Read 100 books. (92/100)
  49. Read at least 50 books I've never read before.(89/50) (completed 3/29/2010)
  50. Read 10 books recommended by friends, no questions asked. (7/10)
  51. Blog about each book read.(92/100)
  52. Learn one song on the piano by heart.
  53. Write a poem every week for a year (Failed)
  54. Go to the drive-in theatre.(Completed 6/29/2008)
  55. Do Karaoke. (Completed 8/2009)
  56. Complete a 1000+ piece puzzle(completed: 7/21/2008)
  57. Go bowling (completed: 10/07/2007)
  58. Go miniature golfing (completed: 8/6/2008)
  59. Take Mike to Indian Echo Caverns. (completed: 8/9/2008)
  60. Go to see a stand-up comedian live. (Completed: 8/2009)
  61. Watch all of the DVDs I own at least once, including watching all special features.
  62. See a show at the Hershey Theatre (Completed: 2/14/2009)
  63. Project Related

  64. Finish at least one cross-stitch piece for myself.
  65. Complete this crafty meme.
  66. Frame and hang my Jim Craig poster (Completed 9/29/07)
  67. Complete my bookshelf finishing project. (Completed: 5/2009)
  68. Post a video of myself singing on YouTube.(Completed 12/13/07)
  69. Create a DVD of Mike's "Harvey" performance(s).
  70. Embroider a tablecloth and matching napkins.
  71. Organize the cables for my entertainment unit. (Completed: 11/11/2007)
  72. Put my family's home videos on DVD.
  73. Turn at least 1 record into mp3 files.
  74. Give partywithyoursocks.com a face lift & new content.
  75. Organize my RIT memorbilia (shadow box, etc)
  76. Learn to drive a stick shift.
  77. Food

  78. Try 12 new recipes (and actually use the recipe). (12/12)(Completed 11/2008)
  79. Try 5 new non-chain restaurants. (5/5)(Completed 7/7/2008)
  80. Use my fondue pot(Completed 12/31/2007)
  81. Bake a cake in my cross pan.(Completed 2/2/2009)
  82. Finance

  83. Change the beneficiary on my 401k plan. (Completed: 3/20/2008)
  84. Do my own taxes.(Completed 3/16/2008)
  85. Create a will.
  86. Start a 529 account or other education investment account. (Completed 11/2009)
  87. Invest in at least one stock.
  88. Obtain a GOOD cash-back credit card and make it work for me. (Canceled)
  89. Material World

  90. Set up my futon/daybed.(Completed 6/24/2009)
  91. Find a new pair of sneakers. (Completed: 9/16/07)
  92. Find a pair of shoes for work that I can walk distances in.
  93. Take at least one item of clothing to the consignment shop.
  94. Buy a new or used vehicle. (completed: 8/1/2008)
  95. Learn how to parallel park it.
  96. Buy a LCD HD TV. (3/2009)
  97. Find pants that really fit me and are comfortable. (Completed 12/2007)
  98. Buy a nice pair of binoculars/opera glasses (Completed 5/2009)
  99. Go to Saturday's Market. (Completed 11/28/2009)
  100. Sell Mike's VHS/DVDs for him (completed: 4/18/2009)
  101. Obtain copies (1st edition, if possible) of the Harry Potter books I don't have. (2/4)
  102. Book a night at the Inn of the Dove.
  103. Community

  104. Start recycling with the township. Failed.
  105. Donate Blood at least once over the 1001 days.
  106. Anonymously donate $1000 to my church for organ repair. Failed.
  107. Pick up trash on my way to work. Failed.
  108. On every grocery trip, buy 1 thing to donate to a good cause (Not my stomach).
  109. Do 2 walks for good causes. (Replaced. Completed 4/2009)
  110. Finish

  111. On Day 1001, publish a new 101 Things in 1001 Days list that includes anything I haven't finished already.

The end of the FIRST 1,001 days.

Measuring life in increments of 1000 days is quite interesting.  When I look at my list I realize how much my life, my goals, my situation in general has changed over the course of 2+ years.  Right now I'm actually on day 999, but I do not forsee finishing any more items in the next 2 days, so this is my wrap-up post. I've counted 62/101 things complete which is over half!
Here's a review of the items that were not completed and a look at why.

#11 - When proposed to, say "Duh!""Yes!"
This should have been a list of goals for me - not things that rely on the actions of others.

#14 - Take a class at HACC
This is just one of those things that never happened.  However, I think it is a good goal - HACC offers a LOT of unique classes that I would be interested in - the stars just have to align on this one.  This will be added to the new list.

#15 - Build a snowfort with some kids.
First of all, I decided this would have been a little creepy.  Second of all, save the winter of 2010, there was little to no snow!  Sad.  Again, though, a goal that relies on others - I don't think I saw any kids building a fort this year. Sorry, but this one is dead.

#28 - Have a picnic in the park with someone.
I'm sensing a trend - another one that relies on others!  Although, I think this one is a little simpler, and with some modification, can be included in the new list.

#29 - Visit Lindsay in Chicago (by myself or with someone).
1,001 days is pretty short now that I think about it.  I'm still hoping to do this one while she still lives out there! New list candidate!

#32 - Throw a Christmas party.
I'm not sure what I was thinking with this one.  It would be cool, but even between Mike and I, we don't have enough local friends to constitute a "party".  This is out.

#33 - Sit down with Mike and come up with a list of our own
When I suggested this to Mike, he immediately thought it was stupid.  So much for that. :-P  I should have consulted him before I put this on MY list.

#34 - Write and mail a letter to 2 elementary school teachers.
This is something I NEED to do.  Definitely going on the list again.  And maybe at the top!

#35 - Have photos of Mike and I taken
In my mind, this one went along with #11.  Again, don't set goals for yourself that rely on others!

#36 - Take Mike to NYC
A) He doesn't want to go. B) There was no opportunity.  I think I will modify this one for myself: Go to NYC!

#38 - Take Mike on public transportation.
Again, what was I thinking? Who cares?

#41 - Go in one I.M. Pei building that I haven't been in before.
I attempted this one in Cleveland, but had no luck finding parking or the address, for that matter.  I would like to keep this one because it is more of a life-goal to visit as many of his buildings as I can.

#43 - Stay at a bed and breakfast.
Again, another one that is more of a life-goal.  We didn't travel THAT much in the last 999 days.

#44 - Read 100 books. (92/100)
I was really very close on this one.  I am not sure if I should set the goal at 100 books again or lower it to 75, after all a number of them were actually books of the bible.

#46 - Read 10 books recommended by friends, no questions asked. (7/10)
Close again!  But most books I read are recommended by friends, so I don't even think this needs to be here next time.  Just kind of redundant.

#47 - Blog about each book read.(92/100)
This one was kind of redundant, too.

#48 - Learn one song on the piano by heart.
This one is STAYING!  I need to play more often (and not use my keyboard as a shelf) and having this here at least gets me thinking about it.

#59 - Finish at least one cross-stitch piece for myself.
I have a piece (or two?) sitting around done, but they need to be framed.  I think that needs to be the new goal.  Frame stuff! OR at least finish it!

#60 - Complete this crafty meme.
Seriously, this needs to happen.  Seriously.

#64 - Create a DVD of Mike's "Harvey" performance(s).
I made some significant progress on this one, but in the end, fell short due to lack of the proper equipment/software.  I will finish this, though, once I have the appropriate Adobe software!

#65 - Embroider a tablecloth and matching napkins.
I think this one became a little too daunting to even think about.  If I can break it down into smaller goals, it can stay.

#67 - Put my family's home videos on DVD.
This one is right behind #64!  Figuring out the full process first will be helpful.

#68 - Turn at least 1 record into mp3 files.
I'm not even sure if this is worth it, even if my parents have an amazing record collection.

#69 - Give partywithyoursocks.com a face lift & new content.
Ugh, this one needs to be re-thought.  I'm hoping to make a new website and decommission pwys.

#70 - Organize my RIT memorbilia (shadow box, etc)
At least it's all in the same place.  I think this is still a worthy goal.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

#99 - On every grocery trip, buy 1 thing to donate to a good cause (Not my stomach).

I have finished this one and gone above and beyond my initial expectations.  I started playing the pharmacy games and really getting a lot of great stuff for free - and donating them to either our local food pantry or to other organizations through my church.  This is something I'll definitely be continuing to do.

#57 - Watch all of the DVDs I own at least once, including watching all special features.

I'm sure I've completed this for all the DVDs that I had at the time of creating the list, but I certainly have not been able to keep up with it!  Mike and I have a pile of about 10 DVDs (with a few more on the way) that have yet to be watched along with about 7 more season of Stargate:SG-1 to watch as well.  However, the original intent of this one has been completed. 

#24 - Visit Aunt Karin once a month.

I don't know if I quite made this one.  But probably close!  Anyway, I'm going to mark this one as complete since I'll definitely be visiting her a few times in the next month to help her with some computer troubles and also with our latest project of transcribing all of my grandfather's journals.

#20 - Develop an address spreadsheet for all family and good friends and keep updated.

I have pretty much completed this one.  I have full information for my family, Mike's family, and most of our friends in a spreadsheet.  I'm still figuring out the best way to keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, and children in the same spreadsheet, but it is definitely past where I thought I'd ever get it.


#7 - Write a letter to myself to read 10 years from now.

Unbeknownst to myself, I have been doing this all along.  My livejournal is in essence a letter to my future self.  I even went back and read my livejournal from the beginning and it was rather a out-of-body experience.  How much I have changed!

#4 - Move all my clothing from my parent's house to my apartment.

I've done this, rather involuntarily at that.  My sister moved back home after college in May and they needed room for all of her STUFF, so I moved almost all my clothes out (all that is left there is a few costumes and my prom dress).  I also organized said clothes and set some stuff aside to sell and/or donate.

Watership Down

In Watership Down, Richard Adams creates a rich world that could easily exist right under our noses.  The world that Adams' rabbits live in is full of dangers and is affected greatly by humans (who are constantly smoking!) as well as domesticated animals and wild ones alike.  Each rabbit in the story has a unique personality and as a whole, the rabbits interact much like you might expect humans to.  Some are leaders and some are followers.  Some are warriors and some are sages.  These characters are what drew me quickly into their world as I followed their adventures. 

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Bible, many "books" in one!

At the very end of 2009, I signed up and pledged to read the Bible in 90 days. We started on January 1 and I finished on March 29. Just 88 days, and I read the entire Bible. I'm still wrapping my head around the whole experience which I blogged about here.

Reading the Bible in (less than) 90 days involves reading about an hour a day - 12 pages - and staying caught up if you miss a day. I knew that this endeavor would take me a way from my reading goals here, so I decided to count each book of the Bible towards my total reading goal. Cheating? I think it depends who you ask, and I am in charge here, so I say it is not cheating. So there. :-)

There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament for a total of 66 books. I've updated my totals in the side bar for items 44-47, and I've completed #45!

Now my final goals for reading seem achievable and I am on track to finish a few more of the items here before June. I do remember when June 2010 seemed so far away! Wow, the time flies.