Tuesday, November 13, 2007

#82 - Set up my futon/daybed.

This one was "buy a futon mattress", but I decided that was a bit too narrow of a goal. On Saturday, my mom and I comparison shopped like crazy and finally bought a futon mattress. I got it at Lemoyne Sleeper - they were very nice and helpful there, plus they had what I really liked for a good price. SCORE! It ended up being just over $200 with tax, etc.

I purchased a futon cover online on Sunday. It's burgundy and it was less than $35 including shipping. SCORE! It was seriously ON SALE. Very nice. Hopefully it will fit properly and everything.

The last things I need to do to complete this item are:
- Get appropriate bedding
- Get pillows and covers (fancy and sleeping)

I'm hoping this idea works, but since the futon frame does not have arms, I'm going to try to make the pillows be arms. We shall see how that works. They might just end up in one big pile. :-P

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