Saturday, May 31, 2008

#31 - Have my family over for dinner.

For Mothers' Day on the 11th, I invited my family and Aunt Karin over for dinner. Elizabeth and Albert helped prepare things, but the biggest preparatory task was getting the apartment ready! It took me 2 whole days, but it was definitely worth it.

Here's the menu:

Appetizers - Bruchetta, Hummus, Carrots & Dip

Dinner - White Chili and Cheddar Bay Biscuits (a.k.a. Red Lobster Biscuits)

Dessert - Chocolate Fondue and Lemon Pudding Cake (seriously, this needs a better name that does not involve the word "pudding")

Also served was Wine. At dessert, my lack of a coffee maker was sorely obvious, but wasn't the end of the world.

All in all, it went really well - it took a lot of stinkin' work, but was totally worth it.

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